Yeah I know. I don't do give aways at all really. They're just not my thing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE reading blogs that give away cool stuff, or let you know about cool stuff, like my most favorite one Fun Finds For Mom. That really is a great website to read about fun stuff to do with your kids, or the latest and greatest in non-plastic-non-toxic-earth-friendly-lunch containers (among many other things of course).
And while I don't do this very often, I figured right before Thanksgiving would be a great time to give away a $25.00 gift card to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts (you pick) so that come Black Friday you will be sufficiently caffeinated-up to stand in line at 3:30 a.m. to purchase toys you won't even get to take credit for. I hate Santa for that. But I digress.
What do you have to do to enter this fabulous drawing? Well, dear readers, you must subscribe to me. You know that silly little half rainbow looking thing over there in the right-hand sidebar? The one that says, "Never Miss a Post?" Yeah, that one. Click on that and subscribe to my blog, which means you will become: A Follower. Not in a creepy, Jonestown or Branch Dividian kind of way, but a follower of my mediocre musings. Right now I only have 13 of them. But I would like to give a shout out to the bold people that they are for being ahead of the curve and being a fan before there was even a prize!! However, they're getting lonely and need friends. Hell, I need friends. And honestly, I need a little motivation to blog more frequently than I have been. You subscribe to my blog which allows you to laugh till you pee, and I get to count my followers in the sidebar. It's win-win.
So, bring it on! You have until Sunday the 21st at midnight to subscribe to my blog. Then, please leave a comment below with your name and email. I'll pick a winner (from an online randomization tool) Monday morning and ship off the gift card just in time for the Black Friday Morning!
Tell your friends! All are welcome! Let's see if I can crack 20 followers! No, make it 22!
Rachel, am I a follower already? I should be - I'm definitely a stalker of your post!
Hey, Rach, I've been following on facebook - didn't realize I could actually add you to my Google Toolbar!! Now I won't miss out on your wonderful writings!! You were so talented in high school, I'm glad to read that you've still got it Girl!!
Luv ya!
I'm sure that you'll get more than 22 followers...I've enjoyed all of your posts that I've read so far and I'm sure I won't be the only one.
WOW!!!! I am new follower 16!SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I also subscribe to you in a reader now,FANCY!!!I love Star Bucks,it hurts my fibroids but who cares!Thanks for the awesome chance.I will go get some of my peeps and get them to come join in too.If they win I will never speak to them again,sounds good?OKAY!
Follow via google reader #23!! (whoohoo made it over your goal!!!) frugalfamilyfunspot at gmail dot com and via gfc brianswifey05 thanks for the contest!
I feel like I've been following you for years! I can't keep up... Sara J. of Flagstaff.
I am following and subscribe. Your blog is quite funny, thank you for this great giveaway!
I can't believe I wasn't already a follower...what was wrong with me??? Just tech challenged i think!
I have added you to my yahoo homepage...although, I was already a follower.
Being a mom is difficult yet so rewarding. I enjoy your blog and feel better knowing I'm not alone. thanks for putting a smile on my face. So glad I won't miss these moments! Aloha!
Hey, I'm here too, following you since May! Give mama some coffee. (How do you find out who's subscribed to you, anyway?)
I am a follower!!!
I just wanted to give you a belated thank you for the FFFM shout out! I'm so glad you like it. I love yours too - you're such a talented and funny writer! Have a great weekend :)
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